L3Harris Commons
Policy Process

Process for Policy Review and Revision 

Policy Owners are the individuals responsible for implementing, communicating, reviewing, updating, and monitoring a University Policy and its implementation for compliance and effectiveness.

The Policy Owner is responsible for:

  • Reviewing owned policies and identifiying needed revisions.
  • Drafting revised policy using new template and consult with stakeholders impacted; communicate policy changes to individuals or offices that have impact.
  • Sending to for review and approval.
  • Identify new policy need owned by the responsible office. 

The Policy Team (General Counsel/Compliance) is responsible for:

  • Reviewing updated or drafted policy -  template, grammar, standards/regulations check, etc.
  • Coordinate additional review with policy owner and other offices if needed.
  • Send to policy authority (President, Provost, General Counsel, CFO) for approval as needed.
  • Notify policy owner of approval and update/upload on policies website. 
  • Communicate new policy or major changes to staff and faculty as needed. 
  • Review and Identify new policy needs.